(* DATA4-10: The following data file were compiled by Jeffrey Wong for the study involving parental school choice in the United States. All data are for the year 1986, unless otherwise noted, for all 51 states, including the D.C. ENROLL = proportion of students that enroll in private schools. The data for private school enrollment for each state was found by indexing public school enrollment values of the years 1980 and 1986. This index was then used to calculate the private school enrollment for 1986. Thus, the private school enrollment values are indexed numbers. This should not cause any problem in the model because the enrollment trends in public and private education do not alter drastically from year to year. Source: Digest of Education Statistics, 1990. (Range 0.16 - 0.255) CATHOL = proportion of population in each state which is Catholic. Source: The Official Catholic Directory, 1986. (Range 0.02105 - 0.65234) PUPIL = pupil to teacher ratio for public schools in each state. Source: Digest of Education Statistics, 1990. (Range 13.7 - 23.4) WHITE = proportion of population in each state that is white. Source: United States Statistical Abstract, 1988. (Range 0.3 - 0.987) ADMEXP = proportion of educational expenditures devoted to administrative expenses. Source: Condition of Education, 1990. (Range 0.268 - 0.518) REV = per pupil education revenue (in thousands of dollars). Source: Condition of Education, 1990. (Range 1.933 - 5.982) MEMNEA = proportion of all public teachers who are members of the National Education Association. Source: National Education Association Handbook. (Range 0.0573 - 0.999) INCOME = per capita income (in thousands of dollars) of household families. Source: Unites States Statistical Abstract, 1988. (Range 9.665 - 19.548) COLLEGE = the proportion of the population that has completed at least four years of college. Source: United States Statistical Abstract Supplement, State and Metropolitan Data Book, 1986. (Range 0.104 - 0.275) *) ENROLL CATHOL PUPIL WHITE ADMEXP REV MEMNEA INCOME COLLEGE ; 1 1 51 BYOBS