How to use SHAZAMD

SHAZAMD is available for use in a MS-DOS command session. Command files and data files can be created and modified with a text editor such as Notepad. Some MS-DOS basics can be reviewed.

To start an interactive SHAZAM session, at the MS-DOS command prompt, type:


To run SHAZAM in batch mode, the general command line is:

SHAZAMD command_filename output_filename

where command_filename is the name of the SHAZAM command file and output_filename is the name of the SHAZAM output file.

For example, suppose that a command file is prepared in the file MODEL.SHA. To run SHAZAM and place the output in the file MODEL.OUT enter the command line:


If the file MODEL.OUT does not exist then it will be created. If the output file already exists then it will be overwritten and the old results will be lost. The file MODEL.OUT can be directed to a printer and the results can be analyzed.

If the SHAZAM command file is on a floppy disk in drive A: then SHAZAM can be run with the command line:


The PAR= and SIZE= parameters

On the SHAZAMD command line the PAR= parameter can be used to increase the memory that is available for SHAZAM working space. The SIZE= parameter can be used to increase the number of variables used in a SHAZAM run.

At the DOS command prompt, the general command line is:

SHAZAMD command_file output_file PAR=memory SIZE=n

For example, to increase the memory limit for SHAZAM calculations to 5000K (5 MB) type:


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