* Chapter 15.4 - The Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model. * W.H. Greene, Econometric Analysis, Fourth Edition, 2000. SAMPLE 1 20 READ (grunfeld.shd) YEAR FIRM I1 F1 C1 / NOREWIND SKIPLINE=1 READ (grunfeld.shd) YEAR FIRM I2 F2 C2 / NOREWIND READ (grunfeld.shd) YEAR FIRM I3 F3 C3 / NOREWIND READ (grunfeld.shd) YEAR FIRM I4 F4 C4 / NOREWIND READ (grunfeld.shd) YEAR FIRM I5 F5 C5 / NOREWIND * Example 15.9 * Generate a constant to allow hypothesis testing on the * intercept coefficients. GENR CONST=1 * Model Estimation - Results in Table 15.6, p. 619 * - The ITERATION 1 SIGMA listed on the SHAZAM output is the * Residual Covariance Matrix printed in Table 15.6. * - The BREUSCH-PAGAN LM TEST is computed using formula (15-46) * on p. 621. The test statistic is 29.060 (the number 29.046 * reported at top of p. 622 appears to be a typo). SYSTEM 5 / DN NOCONSTANT OLS I1 F1 C1 CONST OLS I2 F2 C2 CONST OLS I3 F3 C3 CONST OLS I4 F4 C4 CONST OLS I5 F5 C5 CONST END * Test for equal coefficients across equations (cross-sections). TEST TEST F1=F2 TEST F1=F3 TEST F1=F4 TEST F1=F5 TEST C1=C2 TEST C1=C3 TEST C1=C4 TEST C1=C5 TEST CONST:1=CONST:2 TEST CONST:1=CONST:3 TEST CONST:1=CONST:4 TEST CONST:1=CONST:5 END * The TEST commands report a WALD CHI-SQUARE STATISTIC that is saved * in the temporary variable $CHI. * Calculate the F-statistic reported on p. 621. GEN1 F=$CHI/$DF1 PRINT F * Iterated FGLS - p. 622 * The ITER= option sets the maximum number of iterations. SYSTEM 5 / DN ITER=20 OLS I1 F1 C1 OLS I2 F2 C2 OLS I3 F3 C3 OLS I4 F4 C4 OLS I5 F5 C5 END * The estimation results are not identical to the results * reported in Table 15.8 due to differences in the numerical * estimation method. STOP