* R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths and Guay C. Lim, * Principles of Econometrics, Third Edition, Wiley, 2008. * Chapter 15 Seemingly Unrelated Regressions SAMPLE 1 20 READ (grunfeld2.shd) INV1 V1 K1 INV2 V2 K2 * Separate OLS regressions - Table 15.1, page 386 OLS INV1 V1 K1 GEN1 S2GE=$SIG2 GEN1 DF1=$DF OLS INV2 V2 K2 GEN1 S2WE=$SIG2 GEN1 DF2=$DF * Goldfeld-Quandt test for heteroskedasticity GEN1 F=S2GE/S2WE * Get a p-value DISTRIB F / TYPE=F DF1=DF1 DF2=DF2 GEN1 pvalue=1-$CDF PRINT F pvalue * The pvalue is less than 0.005 to give evidence to reject * the null hypothesis of homoskedastic errors at any * usual significance level. * Pool the data MATRIX INV=(INV1'|INV2')' MATRIX V=(V1'|V2')' MATRIX K=(K1'|K2')' SAMPLE 1 40 * Estimate a pooled model OLS INV V K * The DIAGNOS / CHOWONE= command calculates and reports the * Goldfeld-Quandt test statistic as reported above and the * Chow test statistic for the same coefficients for the two firms. DIAGNOS / CHOWONE=20 * Generate a dummy variable = 1 for Westinghouse GENR OBS=TIME(0) GENR D=(OBS.GT.20) * Generate interaction variables GENR DV=D*V GENR DK=D*K * Estimate a dummy variable model - Table 15.2, page 387. OLS INV D V DV K DK * Chow test for the same investment functions for the two firms. * This is the same test reported above following estimaton of * the pooled model. TEST TEST D=0 TEST DV=0 TEST DK=0 END * Seemingly Unrelated Regression SAMPLE 1 20 * Generate a constant term -- this is required so that hypothesis * testing on the intercept can be considered. GENR ONE=1 * Model estimation with the SYSTEM command - Table 15.3, p. 388. SYSTEM 2 / NOCONSTANT OLS INV1 V1 K1 ONE OLS INV2 V2 K2 ONE END * The estimation output reports the test statistic: * BREUSCH-PAGAN LM TEST FOR DIAGONAL COVARIANCE MATRIX * This is the LM test statistic discussed in Chapter 15.3.1, pp. 389-90. * Testing cross-equation restrictions - Chapter 15.3.2, pp. 390-1. * On the TEST command, the variable names represent the coefficients. TEST TEST ONE:1=ONE:2 TEST V1=V2 TEST K1=K2 END STOP