* R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths and Guay C. Lim, * Principles of Econometrics, Third Edition, Wiley, 2008. * Chapter 15.4 The Fixed Effects Model SAMPLE 1 200 READ (grunfeld.shd) ID t INV V K * Least squares estimation of the pooled model - Table 15.5, page 393. OLS INV V K * Generate a set of cross-section dummy variables. MATRIX CSDUM=SEAS(200,-10) DO #=1,10 GENR CS#=CSDUM:# ENDO * Estimate a fixed effects model with cross-section dummy variables, * Table 15.4, page 392. POOL INV V K CS1-CS10 / NCROSS=10 OLS NOCONSTANT * F-test for equality of the firm intercepts, page 393. TEST TEST CS1=CS2 TEST CS1=CS3 TEST CS1=CS4 TEST CS1=CS5 TEST CS1=CS6 TEST CS1=CS7 TEST CS1=CS8 TEST CS1=CS9 TEST CS1=CS10 END * Fixed effects estimation with the POOL command. * This is the estimation approach discussed in Chapter 15.4.2, pp. 393-6. POOL INV V K / NCROSS=10 OLS FIXED STOP