cars.def MPG CYL ENG WGT Obs: 392 MPG = miles per gallon CYL = number of cylinders ENG = engine displacement in cubic inches WGT = vehicle weight in pounds Data on 392 cars taken from consumer choice magazines. Note on units of measurement: For those who are more comfortable with kilometres, litres and kilograms, a mile is a measure of distance, gallons and cubic inches are used to measure volume, and the pound is a measure of weight. Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- MPG | 392 23.44592 7.805007 9 46.6 CYL | 392 5.471939 1.705783 3 8 ENG | 392 194.412 104.644 68 455 WGT | 392 2977.584 849.4026 1613 5140