fultonfish.def obs: 111 date lprice quan lquan mon tue wed thu stormy mixed rainy cold totr diff change date date lprice log(Price) of whiting per pound quan Quantity of whiting sold, pounds lquan log(Quantity) mon Monday tue Tuesday wed Wednesday thu Thursday stormy High wind and waves mixed Mixed wind and waves rainy Rainy day on shore cold Cold day on shore totr Total received diff Inventory change = totr-quan change = 1 if diff large The authors would like to thank Kathryn Graddy for the use of the data and her help. See her paper "The Fulton Fish Market", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol 20, No 2, Spring 2006, pp. 207-220. Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- date | 111 918566.7 3568.818 911202 920508 lprice | 111 -.1936811 .3819346 -1.107745 .6643268 quan | 111 6334.667 4040.12 490.0003 21619.99 lquan | 111 8.52343 .7416721 6.194406 9.981374 mon | 111 .1891892 .3934351 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- tue | 111 .2072072 .4071434 0 1 wed | 111 .1891892 .3934351 0 1 thu | 111 .2072072 .4071434 0 1 stormy | 111 .2882883 .4550202 0 1 mixed | 111 .3063063 .463049 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- rainy | 111 .1621622 .3702712 0 1 cold | 111 .5045045 .5022472 0 1 totr | 111 6426.712 4980.899 10 26530 diff | 111 92.04528 3021.308 -15210 18040 change | 111 .6936937 .463049 0 1