sheep.def xbar qbar n lbar kbar district OBS: 49 observations on Australian sheep industry xbar average expenditure on labor, materials, service and rent qbar average wool and lamb output n number of grazing properties in district lbar average number of livestock kbar average land and capital input district district number Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- xbar | 49 4.249241 .7907689 2.7661 6.3094 qbar | 49 10.05518 .7914271 7.9361 11.9244 n | 49 5.795918 6.086117 1 21 lbar | 49 7.967569 .8979765 5.7301 10.0224 kbar | 49 6.775233 .6591062 5.0892 8.9241 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- district | 49 25 14.28869 1 49