stockton.def price sqft age d92 d93 d94 d95 d96 Obs: 4682 home sales in Stockton, CA from January 1991 to December 1996 price house price, $ sqft total square feet of living area age age, in years d92 = 1 if sale in 1992 d93 = 1 if sale in 1993 d94 = 1 if sale in 1994 d95 = 1 if sale in 1995 d96 = 1 if sale in 1996 Data source: Dr. John Knight, Department of Finance, University of the Pacific Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- price | 4682 109561.4 35411.8 20000 375000 sqft | 4682 1448.934 341.2112 600 2200 age | 4682 24.95323 20.14404 0 96 d92 | 4682 .1478001 .3549396 0 1 d93 | 4682 .17044 .376059 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- d94 | 4682 .1856044 .3888287 0 1 d95 | 4682 .1710807 .3766197 0 1 d96 | 4682 .2007689 .4006183 0 1