truffles.def p q ps di pf Obs: 30 1. p = price of premium truffles, $ per ounce 2. q = quantity of truffles traded in a market period, in ounces 3. ps = price of choice truffles (a substitute), $ per ounce 4. di = per capita disposable income, in units of $1000 per month 5. pf = hourly rental price of truffle pig, $ per hour Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- p | 30 62.724 18.72346 29.64 105.45 q | 30 18.45833 4.613088 6.37 26.27 ps | 30 22.022 4.077237 15.21 28.98 di | 30 3.526967 1.040803 1.525 5.125 pf | 30 22.75333 5.329654 10.52 34.01