vote2.def state dem income HS BA density region year obs: 102 State = state indicator dem = 1 if state popular vote favaored the democratic candidate income = median household income in constant 1995 dollars ($1000) HS = percentage of the population with a high school degree or better BA = percentage of the population with a Bachelor's degree or better density = population per/square mile of land area region = 3 for southwest = 2 for south = 1 otherwise year = election year The authors wish to thank Jerome Krief for collecting these data Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- state | 0 dem | 102 .4117647 .4945834 0 1 income | 102 36.56451 5.454432 25.89 46.59 HS | 102 84.17059 4.605262 72.9 92.3 BA | 102 25.62549 5.294882 14.8 45.7 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- density | 102 361.1453 1277.542 1.1 9316.4 region | 102 1.882353 .8593587 1 3 year | 102 2002 2.009877 2000 2004