(* DATA7-18: Cross-sectional data on the 58 California counties for the year 1990 to explain population differentials - compiled by Alvin Chan. Sources: California Statistical Abstract. California Cities, Towns, & Counties. pop = county population in thousands, Range 1.192 - 9149.81. educexp = local government expenditures on education per student (in dollars), Range 3869-9438. recrexp = expenditures per capita on recreation and cultural services (in dollars), Range 0 - 3138. policexp = local government expenditures per capita on police protection (in dollars), Range 79 - 674. vcrime = number of violent crimes per 100,000 population, Range 230 - 1587. othrcrim = number of other crimes per 100,000 population, Range 2130 - 16946. unemprt = unemployment rate (%), Range 4.8 - 24.9. city = dummy variable that equals 1 if there is a city in the county with a population over 100,000 inhabitants. inland = dummy variable that takes the value 1 when the county does not border the Pacific ocean. central = dummy variable that takes on the value 1 when the county is located in the southern portion of the state and 0 when it is in either the northern or southern portion of the state. south = dummy variable that takes on the value 1 when the county is located in the southern portion of the state and 0 if it is in the central or northern portion of the state. *) pop educexp recexp policexp vcrime othrcrim unemprt city inland central south ; 1 1 58 BYOBS