(* DATA7-20: Data on NBA players' salaries and their determinants compiled by Michael Pepek. SALARY = Salary earned by players in the 1989-90 NBA season, in thousands of dollars. Source: San Diego Union, Dec.10, 1989, pg H10. (Range 1000 - 3750). YRS = Number of years that player has been in the NBA, Range 1 - 13. HT = Height of the players in inches. Source: the Sporting News Pro-Basketball Handbook, 1989-90. (Range 73 - 88) WT = The weight of each player in pounds. Pro-Basketball Handbook. (Range 175 - 290). AGE = The age of each player determined by their age in 1989. For example, if their birthdate is 4-5-63, then their age is determined by 1989-1963 = 26 years old, Pro-Basketball Handbook. (Range 23 - 36). GAMES = Number of games that each player played in the 88-89 season, HOOPS - basketball stats book 1989-90. (Range 6 - 82). GAMESTRT = Number of games out of the total games played in that the player started in. HOOPS. (Range 0 - 82). FORWARD = Dummy variable for whether the player is primarily a forward. 1 if forward, 0 if not. SD Union. GUARD = Dummy var for if player is primarilly a Guard. 1 = guard, 0 not. SD Union. MIN = Number of minutes that each player played during season, HOOPS. (Range 189 - 3255). FGA = Field goal attempts. All shots taken by the player. This does not include free-throws, Sporting News, May 1989. (Range 104 - 1881). FGPRCNT = The fraction of shots that each player made. 1.000 is perfect shooting. Sporting News. (Range 0.431 - 0.579). FTA = Free throw attempts. The total number of free throws attempted by each player after being fouled. Sporting News. (Range 19 - 918). FTPRCNT = Fraction of the shot free throws that were made. #made/#shot Sporting News. (Range 0.553 - 0.911). REBOUNDS = The number of totsl rebounds by each player. BRDS is short for boards. Sporting New. (Range 37 - 1105). ASSISTS = Number of assists by player. An assist is when one player makes a pass to another player who scores because of that pass. Sporting News. (Range 29 - 1118). STEALS = Number of times that player stole ball away from other team. Sporting News. (Range 6 - 564). BLOCKS = number of blocked shots. Sporting News. (Range 5 - 315). POINTS = number of points that the player scored in the full season. Sporting News. (Range 116 - 2633). AVGPNTS = the average points per games played. #points/#games played. Sporting News. (Range 4.7 - 32.5). RACE = Dummy variable to tell whether the player is white or non-white. 0 = white, 1 = non-white. Sporting News NBA Guide 1987-88. EW = Dummy var to tell whether each player is Source the east or Source the west devision. 1 = east 0 = west Boston Celtics 1988-89 Media Guide TRD = Dummy var telling whether player has been traded in the last two years. 1 = has been traded 0 = has not. Sporting News. WINTM = Dummy var telling whether the team that the player is on had more than 45 wins out of the 82 game schedule. Sporting News. ALLSTAT = Dummy variable telling whether the player is on the All Star team in the 1990-1991 season. The reason for using this years AS team is going on the theory that players make it onto the AS team the year after they deserved it. 1 = on the AS team 0 = not. San Diego Union. XPAN = dummy variable denoting whether the team is an expansion team in the last 2 seasons. 1 = expansion team Source : Boston Celtics Media Guide. *) SALARY YRS HT WT AGE GAMES GAMESTRT FORWARD GUARD MIN FGA FGPRCNT FTA FTPRCNT REBOUNDS ASSISTS STEALS BLOCKS POINTS AVGPNTS RACE EW TRD WINTM ALLSTAR XPAN ; 1 1 56 BYOBS