(* DATA9-8: Annual data for estimating Domestic Revenue Passenger Miles. Source: Statistical Abstract of United States, 1947-1989. Data compiled by GRAHAM RUSHALL. pop = population in millions (Range 144.83 - 243.915) rpm = domestic revenue passenger miles in billions (Range 6 - 324.5) nop = number of operators (airlines), Range 31 - 106. oprev = operating revenue from passengers in millions of dollars (Range 256 - 37309) gnp = gross national product of United States in billions of dollars (Range 232.2 - 4526.7) accid = number of American planes in an accident (Range 12 - 69) fatal = number of fatalities from aircraft accidents (Range 0 - 460) regu = dummy variable for airline regulation/deregulation = for 1 1979-87 and 0 for 1947-78. *) year pop rpm nop oprev gnp accid fatal regu ; 1 1947 1987 BYOBS