* PS6.7 using DATA6-4 for Example 6.5 SAMPLE 1 49 READ(data6-4) WAGE EDUC EXPER AGE GENR LNWAGE=LOG(WAGE) GENR EDUC2=EDUC**2 GENR EXPER2=EXPER**2 GENR AGE2=AGE**2 * * Estimate the model to determine if education, experience and age have * a quadratic effect. The LOGLIN option is specified on the OLS command * since the dependent variable, WAGE, is in logged form and the independent * variables, EDUC, EXPER, AGE, EDUC2 EXPER2, and AGE2 are in linear form. * If the LOGLIN option is NOT specified then the ELASTICITY AT MEANS in * OLS regression output will be incorrect. * OLS LNWAGE EDUC EXPER AGE EDUC2 EXPER2 AGE2 / LOGLIN * omit variables one at a time OLS LNWAGE EDUC EXPER EDUC2 EXPER2 AGE2 / LOGLIN OLS LNWAGE EDUC EXPER EDUC2 EXPER2 / LOGLIN OLS LNWAGE EDUC EXPER EDUC2 / LOGLIN OLS LNWAGE EDUC2 EXPER / LOGLIN * DELETE / ALL STOP