* Reference: Chapter 10 of * Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, * South-Western College Publishing, 2000. SAMPLE 1 42 READ (HSEINV.shd) year inv pop price linv lpop lprice t & invpc linvpc lprice_1 linvpc_1 gprice ginvpc SET MISSVALU=-999 SET SKIPMISS * Example 10.7 * Equation (10.32), p. 335. OLS linvpc lprice / LOGLOG * Equation (10.33), p. 335. * Generate a time trend GENR t=TIME(0) OLS linvpc lprice t / LOGLOG COEF=BETA STDERR=SE * The coefficient on the time trend variable gives the * instantaneous growth rate for the dependent variable, holding * all other variables constant. * Additional Notes. * For a coefficient a, the compound annual rate of growth is: * g = 100 (exp(a) - 1) * Now denote a as the estimated coefficient and V(a) as the variance * estimate. An estimate for g can be computed from the OLS estimation * results as: * 100 (exp(a-V(a)/2) - 1) GEN1 VA=(SE:2)**2 GEN1 g=100*(exp(BETA:2-VA/2)-1) PRINT g STOP