The Distribution of the Durbin-Watson Test StatisticConsider a linear regression equation where the equation errors follow an AR(1) error process:
For a test of postive autocorrelation in the errors the null and alternative hypotheses are: H0:
A test of negatively autocorrelated errors tests: H0:
The Durbin-Watson test statistic is calculated from the OLS estimated residuals êt as: d =
The d-statistic has values in the range [0,4]. Low values of d are in the region for positive autocorrelation. Values of d that tend towards 4 are in the region for negative autocorrelation. (See textbooks for further discussion). Therefore, for a one-tailed test against postive autocorrelation, at a 5% significance level the null is rejected if d < dcp where dcp is a critical value such that: P(d < dcp) = 0.05 For a one-tailed test against negative autocorrelation, at a 5% level the null is rejected if d > dcn where P(d > dcn) = 0.05 or P(d < dcn) = 0.95 A complication is that the probability distribution of d depends
on the data matrix X. Therefore, it is not possible to tabulate
critical values that can be applied to all models.
For a specific model, SHAZAM can compute a p-value for the
Durbin-Watson test.
This is obtained with the An example of the probability distribution of d can be shown with the Theil textile data set. The linear regression equation is: CONSUMEt =
Computer simulation was used to generate the probability distribution of d under the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation when the explanatory variables are INCOME and PRICE (and a constant). The SHAZAM commands are available. The result is shown in the figure below. For this example, the mean of the distribution of d is 2.26. The 5% critical value for a one-tailed test against positive autocorrelation is 1.506. The 5% critical value for a one-tailed test against negative autocorrelation is 2.964. These critical values can be compared with the lower bound dl and upper bound du critical values that are tabulated in the Appendixes of econometrics textbooks (computation of the critical values is presented in Savin and White [1977]). In the above figure region A is: [dl, du] = [1.015, 1.536] and region B is: [4-du, 4-dl] = [2.464, 2.985] It can be seen that the 5% critical value of 1.506 is very close to the upper bound du. This conforms to the following comment by Theil [1971, p. 201]. ... the upper bound du is approximately equal to the true significance limit in all those cases in which the behavior of the explanatory variables is smooth in the sense that their first and second differences are small compared with the range of the corresponding variable itself. Many economic time series are characterized by considerable inertia, so that this condition is then at least approximately satisfied. ... However, note that the smoothness condition is not satisfied by dummy variables, which jump from zero to one and vice versa, nor by most of the regressions that are formulated in terms of the first differences of the original variables. Large SamplesAn artificial data set with an X matrix of dimension
(500 x 5) was generated. The However, Harvey [1990, p. 201] notes that, for large sample sizes,
d is approximately normally distributed with mean 2 and
variance 4
ReferencesDurbin, J. and Watson, G.S., "Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares Regression I", Biometrika, Vol. 37, 1950, pp. 409-428. Durbin, J. and Watson, G.S., "Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares Regression II", Biometrika, Vol. 38, 1951, pp. 159-178. Harvey, A.C., The Econometric Analysis of Time Series, Second Edition, MIT Press, 1990. Savin, N.E. and White, K.J., "The Durbin-Watson Test for Serial Correlation with Extreme Sample Sizes or Many Regressors", Econometrica, Vol. 45, 1977, pp. 1989-1996. Theil, H., Principles of Econometrics, Wiley, 1971.
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