
Memory is the working space used for storing the data and performing calculations while SHAZAM is executing. The size of the data set and complexity of the calculations is limited by the amount of memory that SHAZAM has available.

The memory allocation can be found on the SHAZAM output file. A listing similar to the following will typically appear near the top of the SHAZAM output file.

Hello/Bonjour/Aloha/Howdy/G Day/Kia Ora/Konnichiwa/Buenos Dias/Nee Hau/Ciao
Welcome to SHAZAM - Version 11.0 -  APR 2011 SYSTEM=WIN    PAR=   781    

The above message contains some important information. It displays the version of SHAZAM and the release date. The SYSTEM= parameter gives the type of operating system that is being used. Finally, the parameter PAR= gives the amount of memory in batches of 1024 bytes. (PAR is an abbreviation for paragraph).

If the memory allocation is exhausted then calculations cannot continue and an error message will be printed on the SHAZAM output file. The PAR command can be used to increase the memory allocation. The format of the PAR command is:

PAR number

where number specifies the amount of memory that is needed.

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