A data set

A school expenditure data set

This cross-section data set is reproduced from Greene [1993, Table 14.1, p. 385]. The data was compiled by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1979.

The variables in the data set are:

  1. State identifier
  2. Per capita expenditure on public schools in 1979
  3. Per capita income in 1979

The data set (filename: GREENE.txt) follows. Note that expenditure data is missing for Wisconsin and so this is assigned a missing value code of -99.

State   Exp    Income
Ala     275     6247
Ark     275     6183
Conn    531     8914
Fla     316     7505
Idaho   304     6813
Iowa    431     7873
La      316     6640
Mass    427     8063
Miss    259     5736
Nebr    294     7391
NJ      423     8818
NC      335     6607
Okla    320     6951
RI      342     7526
Tenn    268     6489
Vt      353     6541
W Va    320     6456
Alska   821    10851
Calif   387     8850
Del     424     8604
Ga      265     6700
Ill     437     8745
Kans    355     8001
Maine   327     6333
Mich    466     8442
Mo      274     7342
Nev     359     9032
N Mex   388     6505
N Dak   311     7478
Oreg    397     7839
S C     315     6242
Tex     315     7697
Va      356     7624
Wis     -99     7597
Ariz    339     7374
Colo    452     8001
D C     428    10022
Haw     403     8380
Ind     345     7696
Ky      260     6615
Md      427     8306
Minn    477     7847
Mont    433     7051
N H     279     7277
N Y     447     8267
Ohio    322     7812
Pa      412     7733
S Dak   321     6841
Utah    417     6622
Wah     415     8450
Wyo     500     9096

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