Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, South-Western College Publishing, 2000
Note: Filename extensions have been set to txt
The Wooldridge data sets contain a missing value code of " . ".
This is not recognized as a SHAZAM missing value code.
For data files with missing values, a numeric missing value code has
been set.
Data File | Description | Textbook Reference | Missing Value Code |
401K.shd |
401kD.text |
Examples 3.3, 4.6 | |
ATTEND.shd |
attendD.text |
Question 4.5, Example 6.3 | -999 |
BARIUM.shd |
bariumD.text |
Examples 10.5, 10.11, 12.3, 12.4 | |
BWGHT.shd |
bwghtD.text |
Examples 4.9, 5.2; Section 6.1 | -999 |
CARD.shd |
cardD.text |
Example 15.4 | -999 |
CEOSAL1.shd |
ceosal1D.text |
Examples 2.3, 2.6, 2.8, 2.11; Section 2.4; Example 6.4 | |
CEOSAL2.shd |
ceosal2D.text |
Examples 6.7, 6.8 | |
CPS78_85.shd |
cps7885D.text |
Example 13.2 | |
CRIME1.shd |
crime1D.text |
Examples 3.5, 5.3, 7.12, 8.3, 9.1, 17.3 | |
CRIME2.shd |
crime2D.text |
Example 9.4, Section 13.3 | -999 |
CRIME3.shd |
crime3D.text |
Example 13.6 | -999 |
EARNS.shd |
earnsD.text |
Example 11.7 | -999 |
FAIR.shd |
fairD.text |
Example 10.6 | |
FERTIL1.shd |
fertil1D.text |
Examples 13.1, 15.9 | |
FERTIL3.shd |
fertil3D.text |
Examples 10.4, 10.8, 11.6 | -999 |
GPA1.shd |
gpa1D.text |
Examples 3.1, 3.4, 4.3, 7.2 | |
GPA2.shd |
gpa2D.text |
Examples 6.5, 6.6 | |
GPA3.shd |
gpa3D.text |
Section 7.4; Example 8.2 | -999 |
HPRICE1.shd |
hprice1D.text |
Section 4.5, Examples 7.4, 8.4, 8.5, 9.2 | |
HPRICE2.shd |
hprice2D.text |
Examples 4.5, 6.1, 6.2; Section 6.2 | |
HSEINV.shd |
hseinvD.text |
Example 10.7 | -999 |
INFMRT.shd |
infmrtD.text |
Example 9.10 | |
INJURY.shd |
injuryD.text |
Example 13.4 | -999 |
INTDEF.shd |
intdefD.text |
Example 10.2 | -999 |
INTQRT.shd |
intqrtD.text |
Example 18.7 | -999 |
JTRAIN.shd |
jtrainD.text |
Examples 4.7, 7.3; Section 7.6; Examples 14.1, 14.3, 15.10 | -999 |
KIELMC.shd |
kielmcD.text |
Example 13.3 | |
LAWSCH85.shd |
lawschD.text |
Example 7.8 | -999 |
MEAP93.shd |
meap93D.text |
Examples 4.2, 4.10 | |
MLB1.shd |
mlb1D.text |
Section 4.5; Example 7.11 | -999 |
MROZ.shd |
mrozD.text |
Section 7.5, Examples 15.1, 15.5, 15.7, 15.8, Section 15.6; Examples 16.3, 16.5, 17.1, 17.2, 17.5 | -999 |
NYSE.shd |
nyseD.text |
Examples 11.4, 12.8, 12.9 | -999 |
opennesD.text |
Examples 16.4, 16.6 | |
phillipD.text |
Examples 10.1, 11.5, 12.1 | -999 |
prminwgD.text |
Examples 10.3, 10.9, 12.2 | -999 |
RDCHEM.shd |
rdchemD.text |
Examples 9.8, 9.9 | |
RECID.text |
recidD.text |
Example 17.4 | |
RENTAL.shd |
rentalD.text |
Problem 4.4 | -999 |
SAVING.shd |
savingD.text |
Example 8.6 | |
SLEEP75.shd |
sleep75D.text |
Problems 3.3, 7.1 | -999 |
SLP75_81.shd |
slp7581D.text |
Example 13.5 | |
SMOKE.shd |
smokeD.text |
Example 8.7 | |
TRAFFIC1.shd |
trafficD.text |
Example 13.7 | |
VOTE1.shd |
vote1D.text |
Examples 2.5, 2.9 | |
WAGE1.shd |
wage1D.text |
Examples 3.2, 4.1; Section 6.2; Examples 7.1, 7.5, 7.6, 7.10, 8.1 | |
WAGE2.shd |
wage2D.text |
Examples 9.3, 15.2, 15.6 | -999 |
wagepanD.text |
Example 14.4 | |
wageprcD.text |
Problem 11.5 | -999 |