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The PLOT command can be used to obtain plots that are printed with plain text characters on the SHAZAM output.

In general, the format is:

PLOT depvar indeps / options

The available options are:

alternate Alternates the symbols 'X' and 'O' in plotting columns of the histogram when the HISTO option is used. It is especially useful with the GROUPS= option.
beg= Sets a sample BEGgining for the particular GRAPH command. This sample size is in effect only for the GRAPH command with this option. If this option is not specified, the sample range for the current SAMPLE command is used.
end= Sets a sample ENDing for the particular GRAPH command. This sample size is in effect only for the GRAPH command with this option. If this option is not specified, the sample range for the current SAMPLE command is used.
groups= When the HISTO option is used SHAZAM normally places data into 6 groups. This option can be used to specify up to 60 groups. The values allowed for GROUPS= are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 30 or 60.
histo Plots HISTOgrams for the variables specified on the PLOT command. A separate histogram is done for each variable in the list. If NOWIDE is specified the histogram will be half the regular size. See also the HISTO, RANGE and GROUPS= options as described for the GRAPH command and the ALTERNATE option described above.
hold HOLDs the printing of the plot. The contents of this plot will be saved for the next PLOT command. At that time the plot will be blanked out unless the NOBLANK option is used.
noblank Prevents the plot from being initialized with blanks, to allow the plot to be imposed on the plot previously specified with the HOLD option. The HOLD and NOBLANK options would be used if, for example, a plot with different symbols for each part of the sample were desired.
nopretty SHAZAM attempts to make pretty intervals on the axes by checking the range of the data. This usually works, but sometimes the labels are not acceptable. The NOPRETTY option will tell SHAZAM not to attempt to make the axes pretty and just use the range of the data directly.
nosame Does not plot depvars against the indep on the SAME plot. The default is SAME.
nowide NOWIDE reduces the size of the plot in the printed output to be no more than 80 columns.
range Utilizes the entire RANGE of the data for plotting the histogram when the HISTO option is used.
same Plots depvars against the indep on the SAME plot. The two relationships are distinguishable by their differing point symbols. See the SYMBOL= option for further details. No more than 8 dependent variables should be plotted against the independent variable on the same plot. The default is SAME.
symbol= Specifies the SYMBOLs to be used. The default symbols, in order, are * + 0 % $ # ! @.
time Plots the listed depvars sequentially against TIME. In this case, indep is not specified.
wide Creates a wider plot.
xmax= Specifies the desired maximum for the X axis. The NOPRETTY option must be used with these options otherwise SHAZAM attempts to make pretty intervals on the axis by checking the range of the data. If this is not specified the computed MAXimum for the variables will be used.
xmin= Specifies the desired minimum for the X axis. The NOPRETTY option must be used with these options otherwise SHAZAM attempts to make pretty intervals on the axis by checking the range of the data. If this is not specified the computed MAXimum for the variables will be used.
ymax= Specifies the desired maximum for the Y axis. The NOPRETTY option must be used with these options otherwise SHAZAM attempts to make pretty intervals on the axis by checking the range of the data. If this is not specified the computed MAXimum for the variables will be used.
ymin= Specifies the desired minimum for the Y axis. The NOPRETTY option must be used with these options otherwise SHAZAM attempts to make pretty intervals on the axis by checking the range of the data. If this is not specified the computed MAXimum for the variables will be used.