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Data Sets for:

R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths and Guay C. Lim, Principles of Econometrics, Fourth Edition, Wiley, 2011.

Selected examples using these data sets.

Data Set Data File Name
andy andy.dat
beer beer.dat
br br.dat
byd byd.dat
cars cars.dat
coke coke.dat
cps2 cps2.dat
cps4_small cps4_small.dat
edu_inc edu_inc.dat
food food.dat
fultonfish fultonfish.dat
grunfeld2 grunfeld2.dat
mroz mroz.dat
newbroiler newbroiler.dat
nls_panel nls_panel.dat
okun okun.dat
olympics olympics.dat
phillips_aus phillips_aus.dat
pizza4 pizza4.dat
table2_2 table2_2.dat
tobit tobit.dat
transport transport.dat
truffles truffles.dat
utown utown.dat
wa_wheat wa_wheat.dat