The STOCKGRAPH command is used to calculate and chart technical indicators of stock market prices.
In general, the format is:
STOCKGRAPH var / options
The available options are:
axisfmt |
Set the x-axis labels with the date format specified on the previous AXISFMT command. Description of the AXISFMT command is available in the SHAZAM Reference Manual. When this option is used the TIMEFMT option must also be specified. |
beg= |
Specifies the BEGinning observation to be used in estimation. This option overrides the SAMPLE command and defaults to the sample range in effect. |
bollinger= |
Specifies the number of standard deviations to use to calculate the lower and upper Bollinger bands. A common number is 2 standard deviations. |
ema |
Calculates an exponential moving average instead of a simple moving average. The number of time periods in the moving average is specified with the MASHORT= option. |
end= |
Specifies the ENDing observation to be used in estimation. This option overrides the SAMPLE command and defaults to the sample range in effect. |
graphdata |
Graphs the financial time series data. If the variable list includes open, hi, low and close then a bar chart is displayed. A vertical line marks the low and high values. The closing price is represented by a tick mark to the right of the bar and the opening value is given by a tick mark to the left of the bar. |
graphma |
Graphs the moving average line. This option automatically turns on the GRAPHDATA option. |
graphmacd |
Graphs the moving average convergence-divergence (MACD) lines. This option automatically turns on the GRAPHDATA option. The chart with the MACD line and the signal line is displayed at the bottom of the graph. The chart also shows a bar chart that represents the difference between the MACD and signal lines. |
graphvol |
Graphs the volume of shares traded. If this option is used, the variable list must include the volume variable. This option automatically turns on the GRAPHDATA option. A volume bar chart is displayed at the bottom of the graph. The bottom of each volume bar is the value zero. The chart highlights the relative volume levels. The y-axis labels for the volume are not shown. |
list |
Lists results on the SHAZAM output |
malong= |
Specifies the number of time periods to use for a long-term moving average calculation. The default is 26 periods. |
mamacd= |
Specifies the number of time periods to use for the moving average convergence-divergence trigger calculation. The default is 9 periods. |
mashort= |
Specifies the number of time periods to use for a short-term moving average calculation. The default is 12 periods. |
soma |
Calculates a second-order moving average instead of a simple moving average. The number of time periods in the moving average is specified with the MASHORT= option. This may result in a less smooth result compared to a simple moving average that assigns equal weight to each price in the calculation. |
wide |
Creates a wider plot. |